Friday, April 02, 2004

-Yawn- I never knew April 2nd Could be such a Bitch. The day Started good, and there were a few things along the way that were Awsome, but the majority of the day was worse then an episode of seinfield. Its like forcing myself to watch Michael Jackson Music Videos Non-Stop for 24 hours straight, scary thought.

Well i got bored So there is a Second Post Today. Im seriously Debating Turning in Geoff, CJ, Sam, and Pauls History Fair project in the place of mine. The final thing that will make me do it is, Im pending the whole lecture i will get from the Teachers. I dont see anything wrong with it personally, and i thought it was quite amusing. But What the hell, might as well, if i get a chance to edit some parts of mine into theirs or vise versa... or turn in their whole one tomorrow at regionals... humm.... We will see


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