Monday, April 05, 2004

I'm Really bored again today, as well as I'm having another day of bad luck. I lost my cell phone today, which really sucks major, I liked my cell phone, it had some numbers in it i wont be able to get back, and yet it also had some that i dont want back... Heh, but above all this means... Jon gets to buy himself a new one... YAY for spending money where you dont have any.... So much fun.

Someone must be praying for me, because the Algebra 2 Project Deadline had been extended to After the 4 DAY WEEKEND!!! (Thank you god) Now... All i need to do is complete the part i didnt do.... which is most of it... lol

Random Thought of the Day:

Why do they teach us what Stars are when they dont really know, for all they know every star is a freaking planet..... just something i thought was interesting....


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