Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The Editble Rabbits and the Sand Stone Stars

Reason for the title... I really don't know but I will get back to you on that one, as soon as I figure out why I used that...

So I haven't had time to update lately, I have been frantically trying ot get all of my work done for school as well as I have needed to get a lot of my stuff done in the wee hours of the morning. Theatre is what is running my life right now, Musical is less then two weeks away, and we still have a lot to do. In a week's time we will be performing it for the Middle School students, scary thought, to be eyed down by the little people of this time, only to get small smirks of laughter at the more adult jokes, and yet this still should be quite amusing. Yea if you are wondering what we are doing, The Wizard of Oz, with a twist, a Turner twist. It's basically like a lemon twist, only the lemon is a little bit more sweet then sour.

So I have been spinning a lot lately, I'm getting pretty good too. My Stylus' are getting really thin though so I need to spin a little less to make sure I still have some grip for the two upcoming saturdays. I might need to make a run to ATPT over the weekend to get kits to make new ones, because I really don't need all new cartridges just yet. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm talking about album spinning records, and their turntables. Yes I know, everyone who I talk to says.... Wha? You just sit in your room and spin... Yes... that is it... That is totally it. That's all I do anymore. Sit in my chair, look at the ceiling, focus on one spot.... push off the desk... and spin... Over and over and over until my head falls off and I throw up.

Wow. Writing is coming pretty easy today, and yet, it really doesn't sound like me writing. Who am I. Who is this? I guess it might be because I'm stuck at a cross roads...

Random Thought of The Week:

Deaf Chicks are Hott. Haha, Just kidding... *Shutting up now*


Blogger Paul Welp said...

I almost posted something that would have made me seem really really dumb and instead i will write you a brief essay aobut plastic and Cake.

I like both plastic and cake. Cake tastes delicious, and plastic can come in really hand sometimes, like when you are trying to make something really cheap and light, for example chairs, or pencils/pens. Could you immagine a chair made entirely of would weigh like 400000 lbs. Why are pounds abbreviated lbs? that is retarded. I like cake o so much. If they made a plastic that tasted like cake i would eat it almost as often i eat wendy's, and that is alot.

And to think, you got that whole paragraph beacuse i was too lazy to click on the back button. That should teach all those out there a lesson, if you do not put a back option that requires no clicking, and is automatic on every page you will end up with really, really long un-intentional comments

January 23, 2005 at 7:58 PM  

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