Sunday, January 09, 2005

Falling. Nothing to grab onto. I scream. Nothing comes out. The sheer force of my fall sucks my sounds out. Spinning. As I fall I begin to spin, cartwheeling over and over, a sort of haphazard aerial ballet. Nothing to stop me but the ground. I careen into a goose fluttering by, ricochet off the tail of an airliner, then through a blanket of snow. How can I stop, the obstructoins in my way only seem to make me go faster. Faster and faster I fall, nothing to stop me, nothing to care about stopping. It begins to go black, I begin to get dizzy, I begin to slip in and out of conciousness. My eyes become heavy, and the scream of the air leaving my head grows louder as I fall farther and farther up. I gasp for breath, and with my final view of the majestic blues, the searing reds, glittering golds, and the taunting greens, a vision that seems to dance in my mind, in such a way that it will never leave it. A vision so beautiful, the only comparison on Earth would be that but the crystal smile on a childs face, the jagged edge of a round surface, the smooth side of a course boulder, and the music of the laughter of friends rolled into one sitting, something that would be hard for even the strongest of minds to digest. As I gasp for breath on this final occasion, never to breath again, and to float aimlessly into the depths of space, never again to set foot on the place of my captivity, I wake up. Only, when I wake up, I am not awake. For if I am, why am I falling?

Falling Up. Different Concept.

If beauty were measured, and beauty was financial, would I be poor? How would it be measured? Would it be based on looks, where I would be among the average to lower class. Would it be personality, where I would yet again fall into the average class. Or would it endeavor out onto a limb and be measured in terms of how many colors we could see? In which case the blind would be richest of all, the deaf would be right there with them, and the ones stuck using all sense's were the middle class. Yes, that's it. For, the colors seen by the blind are so extravagent, people with eyes couldn't comprehend them. The beauty they possess, is that of a heaven, a utopia in which not everyone is allotted a place of leave. Only those blessed with the gift may go there. Some see the gift as a defect in their body, others see it as a disability, I see it as an extra state of wonder. To be blind is to see the world through eyes that know not chaos, dismay, and things such as anguish, and bitterness. For their virgin eyes, are untainted with the filth of the world, and are thus able to see things in a light so bright, so vibrant, and so beautiful, if someone granted sight were to catch a glimpse of them, it would sear their eyes in such a way, not only would they not be able to comprehend what they had just seen, but they be left in a state of wonder and awe, for with their eyes the can see parts of this lights beauty, but they could not begin to comprehend its full magnitude. Thus is the same with the deaf. They hear things so colorful in nature, so immortaly tantilizing to the ear, that if a sane person were the hear such things, they would be driven into a state of insanity trying to understand a single note of the heavenly song...


Lack of violence.
No Life.

Life couldn't exist in peace, it's just... not possible.


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