Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wow, waking up late, falling in the shower and thinking today was Thrusday... My Day Started Grand, and yours? HEh, For the people how care, which is probably no one ( :-P ), I Hurt myself again today, only, instead of my knee, and hip, lol i hurt my left ankle, my left wrist, and i got duncans arm clothes-lined in my face, nice busted lip... *Shrugs* no pain no gain. Well, I'm going to be bored all weekend, because certain important people are leaveing for Choir Trips *Stomps Foot* but hopefully i will get to see them before they leave. Anyways, moving back on the what a blog should be, don't you hate it when you realize, all the asian people at your school are either smarter then you... or they have such an insane work ethic that they may not be smarter then you, but they still get better grades... how do they do it...??

Random Thought of The Day:

Ok, we build a machine...


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