Monday, July 19, 2004

       Well now, its been a while since i have posted.... Shit, reading back..... what a Sappy, Stupid freak i was. Heh. Moving on with life though, new shit has happend believe it or not... yea...  I went to Chicago for 10 days, and saw my best friend, whom has just flown down to Dallas to visit me, and is with me as we speak. We had a blast in Chicago and plan on doing the same here. My life is in a weird spiral right now with Winter Rose, (who had a bad-ass perfomance on Saturday night winning them 4th Place in a battle of the bands, if you werent there, you missed out.) Girls, (Jenny ;)) and bunches of other little nit-bits that have found their way into my daily cycle. One of these has been my daily obsession i will say, with the thought of Death. I hate this thought so much, i hate it with more passion then anything i have ever done. The thought of ceasing to exist really bites the big ass in my book. I mean i know its inevitable, but i still cant stop thinking about it. When all ceases, is it like the TV when we turn it off, or the End of a videogame when you Get to start all over, or is it like the time when you Fall off your bike, get back up and keep going in anoter Direction? I cant answer this question, but it scares me. And i hate myeslf for not being to most religious now, but at the same time, i have a little bit of not caring in me. That might be because i have learned to become a little frustrated with a certain type of religion, as well as a certain few people, but i dont know. Anyways, Life goes on, ill live it to the Fullest, and even if I only get one thing out of it, all i want it to be, is a chance to see Sam again, that would make my life worth Living. Just to talk.
Random Thought of The Day:
What would happen if you Rigged a Huge as Battery up to a Hampster Wheel, and Put a Hampster that had just gotten a bath in it?


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