Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Out Burst of Light,
Flash of Sound,
Out streched eyes,
Closed arms,
Powerless Struts,
Whimpering Lies,
The power of ...

*shrugs* i lost my train of thought.

As the sun's brtight face began to descend beneath the oceans cover. The sky began to burst into a fierce barray of colors, screaming with pain, twisting in anguish as the sun began to receed beneath the earths crest. The most beautiful of bules, the frightening reds of the deepest fires, yellows concocted from such things as the mash of bumblebee and sunflower, the light parade was such a chaotic view of mass proportions with a dulcet twist for the human eye. I hear heavens screams. The whine and groan as the world turns, to once again steal the suns grace from the sky. The shrills are so deafening, soo loud, and so frequent, most human ears have become mute to them over the course of their first years on this earth. Mine own, have yet to relieve me of this torment, a sound so vivid, so blinding, it makes your bones ache, and your blood burn, your heart skips, and your head burst mentally into a million pieces. With the sunsets beautiful view, comes the death of the proud few who can hear heavens screams.

... Ok then.

Random Thought of The Day:

A smile of pain hurts everyone involved.


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