Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 Whoo Hoo... I think....

Thoughts of you running through his head. Nothing can stop him now. Racing in and out were figures of you, laughing, talking, singing, dancing. He was in a trance, a state of pure misbelief, glazed in the eyes, like a zombie but very much alive. Nothing could stop him now, as he raced down the street. The numbers climbing in the corner of his eye. 70.... 80.... the hum of the air around the car becoming almost deafening, 90.... 100... Weaving in and out of cars, traffic from this position looked like it was at a stand still, His open road, His land of speed, His bastion. Nothing could stop him now, not the world, not the sky, not the head upon his shoulders, not even the thoughts running in his head. Nothing could stop him he thought... Not the speed, not the memories, nothing... Nothing stopped him, except for the alcohol in his blood, and the cement divider he met at 145... The twisted mass of cold steel, and fire careened off the highway. Flipping over several times, ejecting its occupant a 100 yards, impaling him on a small road sign. Someone said the car looked as if it had been chewed up and spit out. Mashed and mangled in such a way, it was not thought humanly possible. The jagged mass of steel, was about the size of a big rig cab, nothing more. Finally coming to rest around a tree, wrapped, like a bow at christmas time. The fumes of gasoline and antifreeze, were strong, and the stench of death reaked like a cloak over the entire scene. Chills ran up the spines of those coming to see what had happened. A chill not only of cold, but of fire, a feeling of remorse sorry, and an everlasting regret, for they knew, they could be next. The mass of metal grew all the attention, bystanders leaving their cars, and parking on the highway to call the police... The mans body, only sat in waiting, for discovery, only to be found by a crow, hows first ambition, was to peck at his empty, lifeless eyes. Nothing can stop him now. He's on his way, to the place with the happies, the place, where we all will go. Nothing.

Wow that sucked. I really can't write today.

Too many things are running thought my mind. It's 2005. 5 Months and half of my friends leave. Never again to darken my doorway. The thought of this is gut wrenching. I know they are all happy to leave highschool, and that makes me feel weird, because, I'm scared. We will see.

Random Thought of The Day:

New Year's Resolution: Everyday, Do something I normally wouldn't. (Within Reason)


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