Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Grey Haired Fools, and Well Written Lines

Play time is here,
play time for all,
come to the play,
where i sing and dance all queer.


Never again.

So things will either fall into place or apart tomorrow. There are many a thing I would like to put in here, there are many a thing I would like to plave among the few that make this cut, but, among them two stand out. Show and Presentation. I hope the show goes well tomorrow, I know it will be good, I'm more worried about my presentation my "lines" to the "audience", and I hope they are willing to accept them as I give them. I really suck at the whole, giving thing, so we will see what is up with that.

Random Thought of The Day:

You have come here, for one purpose and one alone, and one alone... Phantom of the Opera. Great movie.


Blogger Paul Welp said...

You will do fine Jon. You are hella lot better than most everyone else as far as acting goes. Plus, you actually have respect for the techies (could it have something to do with your roots?)...Not just that, but are one of the most giving people i know PERIOD! NO questions asked.

There is my soapbox. Take it or leave it.

January 26, 2005 at 8:12 PM  

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