Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I'm a bit under the weather today, I feel really bad, and I don't know why. I'm ashamed of myself in some ways, i forgot my lines during the run threw, and I didnt do anything productive in English. The only thing keeping me kicking today is my ring, and the thought of Nichole it brings, i would probably go to bed if I didnt have that thought, stiring wildly in my brain. Along side this Spanish project im doing, this is really sucking. I'm so tired, tomorrow I will have basketball for the first time in two days, the two day break was nice, giving me a little time to gain a few extra pounds, (you would be surprised how much a guy wanting to gain weight can gain in two days), and yea, needing them extra carbs to turn my lanky arms into something a little more appealing. Moving on, wow, I'm really tired, and I really want to be in bed. Let's see... Things I would rather be doing at this moment in time; Playing Counter-Strike, Sleeping, Running, Working out, or my Favorite, Spending time with Nichole. Meh, well, today, to sum it all up... had been really.... really... Boring...

Random Thought of The Day:

Remember Kids, Don't Smoke Crack...


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