Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Today was alright, nothing special happened... Oh yea, Except for today is 2 MONTHS WITH NICHOLE! :-D (All i need is right here, nothing else matters, in my arms babe, in my arms...) But yea, Rehersal was interesting today, it got cancelled of course, because of directors are somewhat on the lazy side lately, but, im not complaining because i got to go home early, but i am gonna complain the night of show when it sucks, which i hope it doesn't. Also, i have all but the last few pages of the 40 some odd page script in which i am most of the pages, memorized... its pretty cool. Moving on Dennis im sorry but shes not worth the breath of her name, so forget about her, leave her be a bitch. And so life goes on, i will be back, tomorrow.

Random Thought of The Day:

Fosters... is that really Austraillian for Beer?


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