Thursday, April 22, 2004

Don't count on me... I never finish anything.. Never give a care do I, never can I do something wrong. I'm a bad person, yes, don'e leave anything to me. Why? Well lets see, everyone has off days, everyone gets sick, but when I fuck it up, I get it to where everyone gets pissed. I'm sorry i missed rehersal, I'm sorry i Fucked up. Gheez people give me a break here... I realize what I did was wrong, but when you can barely stand on the two legs god gave you without hunching over, as well as having a temp, I dont think you would be there after school too long Either. Yes i know Chelsea got Food posioning, and she still showed up, but i would rather be good for friday, then be screwed up until monday. There is nothing that i can do, to go back and change what I did. I'm sorry what i did was totally unprofessional, and I know i can't change that, but ask anyone i know, from anything I've done, I Never... EVER.... Back Down...

I know some people... who would have been there today... with the part i have... if they were on their deathbed.... Why is it, that I can't show the same dedication? I can show that to a girl i know, i could show that on the court... but when it comes to acting in Theatre, i couldn't do it... This is not like me... Not at all...

Random Thought of The Day:

Would It be possible, to molecularize a human being, and better yet, when you put them back together... would they be the same?


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