Monday, April 26, 2004

yes dear, yes dear, what you mean out where you are dear, actually im quite busy in here dear, are you very busy out there, so ill stop work and come help out there shall i, well, glad thats settled then, darling when you've finished why dont you ahve a nice lie down, sorry to keep you waiting sir i had no idea my wife was so busy, i beg your pardon, are you alright, I see... well did i gather from your first announcement that you wanted a taxi, case more like, well theres the number ofthe local firm, why not, may i ask wahts wrong with the map, look its really quite simple, you go to the end of queens parade, bear left, it reallys is very simple, it Does put me out, right, we do have pens thank you, we have actually got pens in the hotel, thank you so much, somewhere, i mean where are the pens, i mean would you believe it, i mean there are no pens here, i mean this is supposed to be a hotel, well what are they doing there, why, i am not always losing them people take them, they wouldnt dare, well, im sorry i didnt guess that you'd suddenly done that after twelve years, dear, im afraid my physic powers are a bit below par this morning, there we are, pens, looks more like bens to me, what do you think, doeans that look like bens to you, well it does to me, look thats a "p", its there, where it says post office, im sorry if it is confusing, ah the penny's dropped, of course, no it doesnt, excuse me would you say that was a "p" or a "b", there does it say p off or b off, there there, its a p isnt it, p off, p off, not b off, whoever heard of a bost office? nine, room nine, manuel would you take these cases to room seven please, he thinks boff is a local, you know like some zone some province in equitorial torquay, manuel will show you to your room, if your lucky, here ill write it down for you, if anybody wants you, anyone in particular, i mean henry kissinger, or just anyone with a big net, i dont know what it is about this play, i mean some of the people we get here, i wish you'd help a bit, you're always refurbishing yourself, oh nevermind, nevermind, oh dear whats happend, did you get entangled in the eiderdown again, not enough cream in your eclair, hmmm, or did you have to talk to your friends for so long that you didnt have time to perm your ears... choh, i would find it a little easier to cope with some of the cretins we get in here, my little nest of vipers, if i got a smidgeon of cooperation from you, look if you think im going to fawn some of the yobboes we get in here, i suppose talking to audrey for half an hour helps business does it, oh really this'll be good, let me guess, the major, wears a toupee, somebodys got nail varnish on their cats, am i getting warm?,

I love my lines... so much, i decided to share them with yall... lol, if anyone reads this... so much fun... all but the last few were straight from memory so yea, go me, ill post again when i get home im going out for my brothers birhtday tonight, tomorrow is 2 months with a star, and wednesday is going to be hell with math taks... keep the good times rollin, be back soon

Random Thought of The Day:

What is an Eiderdown...?


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