Monday, April 19, 2004

Throughout the Duration of the day i thought of a few things, and realized a few others... First off, after talking for 45 minutes straight in a stupid accent... your voice kinda... shall we say, deteriorates, and well... then your acting skills kinda go down hill from there. Along with this small, useful piece of information, I also realized that, School SUCKS, but... are only 6 weeks left so i need to suck it up. I MISS NICHOLE!! But... she gets back tonight *Dances* but, yea, moving on, the sky is falling, the grass is black, tomorrow is dooms day, dont forget your hat...

Random Thought of The Day:

Whos on Third. No Who's on Seconds, Whats on Third. No Whos on Third... (or something like that)


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