Sunday, April 18, 2004

YAY for running 4 Network cables in the attic... lets see now... 5 Failed Attempts to run each end of the cable... 3 near misses in falling through the ceiling, 2 drill batteries broken, and... lets see... oh yea... and i miss Nichole... ITs amazing how much you miss something, someone, that you know is beautiful, but its amazing how much MORE you miss them after you dont get to see them for a while. Moving on, Basketball banquet... nothing special, i came dressed like a slob, and you know what i dont care, as rodney Dangerfield would say "I dont get no respect." Memorizing lines sucks major when you have a sore throat, and... Dont smoke Crack... lol, alrighty then.

Random Thought of The Day:

Is It possible to stick your foot up someones... rear...??


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