Saturday, May 01, 2004

It's been a while since i last updated, but yea. Nothing much has happend since thurs, lots of play stuff, and such, oh and i did get to see this really beautiful girl again, but yea nothing other then that. I just got finished with a LAN, it was bad ass, and yea. Moving on, im bored so here goes;

The true meaning of something is only defined by what you believe it is, there is nothing in this world with a "universal meaning". If someone doesn't accept it, it is not Universal, because not everyone accepts it. Even if it is construed as right, for the meaning of right, and the meaning of wrong as seen differently in everyones eyes. The true meaning of life is none other then that of which one believes i to be, and as such it is nothing more then a fable to all but the one telling it. With this final stone i emmbed this thought into your head, the only one telling your fable is you, and you alone, and the way it is defined is the way you choose it to be, so take a second, and revise your story, because a good fable, is one with a happy ending.

Random Thought of The Day:

Why is it so many people that go to Creekview are so Stupid? (Noteing a wardriving session experienced by myself and another, Creekview wireless network owners, 5 - 6 have no encryption... with as much money as they have... thats scary...) (Not saying all people are, i know a few who aren't stupid...)


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