Friday, July 30, 2004

If i only had seven days to live. If i only had seven days to care. I would spend them with those for which i care most. Life not caring where it may go, down or up. I dont quite know what i mean by this, but I am sitting here, thinking about the next week of my life, and in this thought I am realizing there is a chance I might not come back. It is somewhat frightening, and yet somewhat awakening. I hope i make it back, but I am not to judge for someone somewhere might have bigger and better things for me. Yet I know not yet of such things, but we will see. Anyways, I want to learn the Piano. Guitar is great, but you can't do that as you get older. Also, the piano is so soothing. There is nothing about it that would scare anyone away, besides the fact that it can calm all. I heard a song today that reminds me of things i never knew I would remember. It triggered things so deep down, that it made me urge for a piano to finger. Make noise with the keys even if it was wrong. For the only true way to learn is to experience. I know not why I am mindlessly babbling here. Well I know far well why, but I know not if the world should know. Seeing as the world doesn't read this it is is not for the world i gear this towards, but rather My world.  My aspect of life that i gear this for. Confusing, but gear for it. Volatility of young, aspire greatness, engineuity, respect.

Random Thought of The Day:

Piano... lol what am I thinking... I'm a DJ... not a Pianist. 


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