Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Well hey, life seems to be going back to normal for me. Last night I realized I shouldn't really be thinking about death, and today I started to break two habits. So if they both can be broken I will prove to myself that I can stop myself from thinking of it. Moving on. I hate certain things about my new self. I have become "new" after Nichole. Its amazing how much one person can make you change. And at the same time Scary. I realized that I dont have to be the sorry sap that I once was trying to be to get a girl to like me. Although it helps and is a good thing to have I have lost most touch with that part of me, to only be found when in need of such an aspect in a relationship. I hate  that too though. I always want to talk to people in such a way that they see me as a sweet caring young individual. And yet, without that aspect of myself I don't know what they will think. But in essence, that is great, because that gives me something to look forward too in life. A new aspect in my life, and a new path I will wind down, as I move forth in life. I have decided I am regretably, dropping basketball next year in my cericulum. My knees are worse then ever, I can't kneel for more then a few seconds without having unbearable pain, and I am unable to jump as such. It is making me very stressed though because I love the game, but I have a greater love for the screen, and this might help me pursue that. I'm not sure where my screen pursuit will take me, hopefully to some fame and fortune among the people, whos lives I touch, but whatever happens, all I know is, I want to be remembered by all, as the one who made me laugh just once.

Random Thought of The Day:

Why are reflections there? Why does all life revolve around energy...?


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