Sunday, January 30, 2005

Musical Flops and Sandy Coated Socks

The realization has hit me. This is it. The last time I will get to sit in the dark with the proud few I cherrish most. It came like a rush of brick into a mouthful of face. I landed on my bed and haven't moved until this moment, I didn't cry, but I sat in reccollection of all the good times, and the first's. The first time I was back stage during a show, the first time I acted and Teched, the first time I acted... the first time I met this girl... So many things I am going to miss... so many things I don't want to let go. I feel like im spinning and everything is being yanked from my arms, but I'm holding on just well enough to make sure they can't escape my grasp.

So much to write, so little want to express such things as of the fear of letting them getaway.

Random Thought of The Day:

I hope Bless is alright.


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