Tuesday, March 22, 2005


18 Stories high he stands,
18 Stories above the Sands,
Of Time in which he must not face,
The music of a solemn pace.

Nothing could have pushed him off,
Nothing could have made him jump,
All he did was stand and wait,
And let the cards of fate be dealt to him,

Nothing like poker,
Couldn't change his hand,
Nothing like Hold'em,
No cards for sanctuary,
From those in his hand.

17 ticks past the half of day,
17 ticks past the thoughts of yesterday,
Confused and dwindling he sits here in wonder,
What just happened,
Someone get that trucks number.

Uhh... so spring break is giong alright. I have spent a lot of time with madelyn, got to see rachel, and saw kendra a little. Am i boring? All I do is watch movies, because I can't think of anything else to do. I don't even remember typing that Question mark... weird. A line away. Mind slipping into an inferno of nothingness. Spinning and unknowing when or why it started or when and where it will stop. Travel Channel catching everything. Channel 82-4. Weather man changing as she comes in. She passes by and they switch places, he and the weather man.

And that's all i have to say about that.

Random Thought of The Day (From past days as well.):

Monday, March 07, 2005


I had a carppy day.

For the most part.

Two things went right.
I got to see Kendra and the rest of the bunch...
And I got a glimpse at what crap retail can be at times...

Starting with the carppyness.

The day sucked because Holloman is a retard, I tell him things and he still doesn't get it into his head... this is how it works this is how it's going to work, this is it or this is nothing.
Also, nothing really went my way today, I thought I had finished all of my homework last night... I checked and double checked and I was so sure of it... I was proud of myself... Wrong. I totally missed an assignment that was due in English... the one class I am struggling in this nine weeks. So lame.

But I got to see Kendra, she had straight hair.... Just as pretty as usual, she wasn't too sure about it/she didn't really feel like herself, but I don't know why, she looked great. Anyways. Haha, I should have told her to look at me, and posed the question, "How do you think I feel everyday when I come to school?" Yea, I know... nerve wrecking thought right there... Jon, and his hideousness comeing to school in the morning... ok maybe I'm not that bad, but it still would have for interesting conversation.

So what scares you more, being killed from underneath, or being dropped from highg above? Random question that needs answers, if you don't mind. What would scare you most I should ask, being killed from underneath or being dropped... anyways.

I hate retail, making me take advantage of the disabled... I wouldn't do it... I got scolded... But... I can't do it... Can I...? It's not right... or is it...? Is it right to get the extra penny in your companies pocket so they can put it into yours... is it right to take advantage of anyone... of anything... Not by my standards... Retail sucks at times... other times it's awsome... tonight... blah.

Random Thought of The Day:

I could really go for a funnel cake right now, and U2 is coming to Town in October... li

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Peanut Gallery Has Spoken

Life is good. Life is bad. Life is normal. Life is... Life... Deal with it, good or bad that't what it is.

Have you ever done something that seems like it only happens in movies... I have.. and it's insanely cool... why? Because if you don't plan it, and it just happens... it's amazing the time you will have.

Kay passed away yesterday morning... I will miss you.

To sum up how i have been over the past week...

Working hard working long,
Working wrong, working song,
She came by for a visit,
Powder puff didnt win it,
Cheered and Soared, face on floor,
Cart wheel'in,
Heart Beaten,
Jaw dropping,
Feet Stoppin,
Damn I've had agood time.

Random Thought of The Day:
Dreams of school... what does it mean...?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Finally Getting a Second Off the Train...

Finally I get to take a step off of the train i like to call life. It's running pretty smooth right now im getting some things in order that I haven't been able to lately, but It's getting annoying that in doing this i am losing a little of how I used to be, as well as I am missing out on some things I like too do.... Work is cool but again customers... yea...

Is that all i avhe to make me me... Work? I can nver think of anything interesting or whitty of my own to say anymore, why am i falling into this abyss of socitey, in which the only way out is to conform?

Today was a blah day, I really couldn't think at all, I was sitting there... trying ot think and all that came out was a head spasm that sent my head into my desk, and or my backpack, pending on the time in which the spasm occured... Well then.

Random Thought of The Day:
Why do all of my writings have to have some morbid undertone... Am I not a happy person? I think I am...