Tuesday, April 05, 2005

It's been a while...

Been a while since my last post.

Nothing really to update in my life minus the fact that i have been so stressed lately it isn't funny. My psoriasis is comeing back a little because of all of the stress and my habits have been changing a little but other then that I am still the same old me.

Things that have happened lately that have been new and interesting are limited and few, but there are a lot of things i am looking forward to in the near future. Saturday is prom, and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world at the moment, because I get to take her. Kendra. Not anyone else ges to... I do. I think that has been the driving force for me to get through this week. I have been in a mood that is sort of mellow and down because I have a lot to catch up on for school because of all that I missed for Shattered Dreams, as well as I have to work EVERYday this week minus saturday.

The most fun I have had in the past week was the little time I got to spend with Kendra just talking, you never realize how much fun something is until your stuck behind town nagging customers at the front of a register with two camera's in hand and in the middle of a rock and a hard place with your manager.

Shattered Dreams was the main reason I haven't posted lately. It was, one of the two things, thw other being One Act (which we placed third in but didn't get to advance which was sort of a bummer because we worked so hard and we had an extremely good run), that have been dwvouring most of my time. Shattered Dream's. Kendra died. I cried. Freaking girly man I am, but I don't care, the feelings were real, and I couldn't help it. Even after telling myself she really isn't dead, I guess the fact that they kept prnouncing her dead kinda settled in the seeds of doubt and sprouted trees of reality with the "what if's..." Not wanting to think about that. I was a camera man and I got a crap load of awsome shots from the hospital. We didn't get to use most of them in the production because we only had a 12 minute time span we could film, and I had 54 minutes of film, but I had fun filming. Moving on...

Thing's that highlight what I have been up too lately:

Shattered Dreams
- Hanging out
- Dublin (fun stuff, need to do it again)
- One Act
- School (very little)
- Spring Break

Random Thought of The Day:
My personality causes me to put myself down... I didn't know that until today.


Blogger Paul Welp said...

hey...guess what....this is paul...that is right...paul...the crazy mamma jamma who feels compelled to turn your frown upside down, with such infamous sayings as "PLAYAFIED" and "gangstarific" for all of you who dont know...i make up words...you might call me a wordsmith...it is hella pimptacular. but then again...so is this tall dude named jon. He makes jokes, and is really really tall, like a tree.... here is a poem about him

Jon, The talles of the tall
He dont never wear a shawl
That is like a scarf
he dont make me barf

i wrote this poem
because i wanted to showem
that i can be a flowin
and that i just got off work, and am really, really bored

Incase this comment isnt long enough...here is some more stuff

April 6, 2005 at 8:22 PM  
Blogger geoff said...

Paul, you are quite possibly a lyrical genious of unmatched proportions.

June 16, 2005 at 9:02 AM  

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