Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Finally Getting a Second Off the Train...

Finally I get to take a step off of the train i like to call life. It's running pretty smooth right now im getting some things in order that I haven't been able to lately, but It's getting annoying that in doing this i am losing a little of how I used to be, as well as I am missing out on some things I like too do.... Work is cool but again customers... yea...

Is that all i avhe to make me me... Work? I can nver think of anything interesting or whitty of my own to say anymore, why am i falling into this abyss of socitey, in which the only way out is to conform?

Today was a blah day, I really couldn't think at all, I was sitting there... trying ot think and all that came out was a head spasm that sent my head into my desk, and or my backpack, pending on the time in which the spasm occured... Well then.

Random Thought of The Day:
Why do all of my writings have to have some morbid undertone... Am I not a happy person? I think I am...


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