Saturday, February 19, 2005

Week of Sick Feelings and Dorky Smiles

Well all week the people who matter most to me have been getting sick and it kinda sucks. Nothing I can really do though, so I decided to be myself and make some cards for them with corny little sayings on them to cheer them up. I think it worked, which made my last few days, i.e. yesterday and thrusday, better then they had been originally.

Only thing is that people who are sick are going to miss things they really wanted to go too, which I think is really lame, but honestly I would rather have them stay at home and get better, and or have me be sick and have them able to go. *shrugs* anyways.

Do people think I'm physco? In English class none the less everyone in there thinks I should be committed. Why is it when you make a plan to write something, and the plan involves Albert Einstien and how he went insane, and or people committing suicide over stupid things, they automatically think that you need help... ! Is it a sin, or is it against society to have grand ideas that shock people when they see them. To make them have that double take when they read the words on your paper? I don't know, but I guess society isn't well enough to hear about itself yet, or at least the people in it, are to afraid that if someone speaks the truth they are going to ruin this "utopia" we live in, their own haven of sex, drugs, guns, happiness, and the small few who are able to make it by with what they have and live happy lives without all of those things. I just think it is stupid that if someone starts to talk out of line, they are a threat to humanity... *Shrugs* It's not like I'm going to shoot up the school, I just have a vivid Imagination, and i guess that scares people... I know it scares me sometimes.

Random Thought of The Day:
A smile from chicken soup.
Hitting Ashli with a stick.
Having a magnum pointed to my chest... not fun.


Blogger Paul Welp said...

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February 19, 2005 at 10:21 PM  
Blogger Paul Welp said...

nights i cant remember (only i can), friends ill never forget (ps. it is a good country song)

February 19, 2005 at 10:21 PM  

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