Sunday, March 06, 2005

Peanut Gallery Has Spoken

Life is good. Life is bad. Life is normal. Life is... Life... Deal with it, good or bad that't what it is.

Have you ever done something that seems like it only happens in movies... I have.. and it's insanely cool... why? Because if you don't plan it, and it just happens... it's amazing the time you will have.

Kay passed away yesterday morning... I will miss you.

To sum up how i have been over the past week...

Working hard working long,
Working wrong, working song,
She came by for a visit,
Powder puff didnt win it,
Cheered and Soared, face on floor,
Cart wheel'in,
Heart Beaten,
Jaw dropping,
Feet Stoppin,
Damn I've had agood time.

Random Thought of The Day:
Dreams of school... what does it mean...?


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