Sunday, May 02, 2004

My frustrations with the world only thicken as the days grow longer with the passion. There is nothing more that i can do. I sit and watch as it all flows past my eyes like a never ending picture, a picture, a movie, captured in motion only by my minds eye. There is nothing i can do to stop, or to change the images that flicker past my face, the only thing i can do is watch and listen and hope to catch a glimpse of the proud and few things that bring me joy in this place. There is nothing here that i truely am in desperate need of at this time, there are a few things i am in intwined with, but none of these aspects will ever leave my side. This mindless babbling is taking away from the time in which i could be participating in mindless work of the average human physc, but there is nothing here holding me to do such, except for my own free will.

Jon is bored, tired, hungry, wanting to see Nichole, doing homework, making a movie, rebuilding a computer, installing software, downloading stuff, playing computer games, and talking on aim... all at.... the same time.... go me...

Random Thought of The Day:

When one hold's so much, is it possible to find a limit to what one wants to hold... or does the will become undying for more?


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