Monday, August 02, 2004

I just cracked myself on the ceiling, jumping to a song... and realized i have a blog entry to do for today. That fucking hurt, but moving on. One thing i have realized that is out there is, everything will go on forever. Life may not, but parts of you will. Matter that is. It's hard to think about, being part of another being, and scary at the same time, but its true. Personally it is possible to have parts of dinosaur in you, you never know. (Don't ask long story) Moving on. The things in life that make one the most happy aren't the things that you find do out of the ordinary, but the things that happen often, or sometimes. Like, the compliments that they dont accept, or the phone call they get or, the time spent once in a blue moon with something. Funny how shit works.

I Cracked my freakin Ceiling... oww...

I'm a Pepper :-)

Dublin Dr. Pepper, is the bomb, Paul, Sam, and I went to Dublin for them... well worth the trip... ohhhh....... sooo good. I wasn't a Dr. Pepper fan until I had one of them, it's like... drinking.... good... stuff... ish. Yea, well thats all I have to say about that.

Random Thought of The Day:

If you get a free haircut, it's probably because the older lady cutting your hair was hitting on you because she thought you were older.... :-/


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