Sunday, August 01, 2004

The meaning of life is not what everyone thinks it to be. It is the same for everyone no matter what they think. All life is, is a struggle to grab whats on the top shelf, some get help to reach it, others grow tall enough on their own, while the rest just peer in awe as the select few with enough power to reach the top get there, and in this awe they themselves fall off their peers or their ladders trying to help them get whats on their top shelf. ITs sad how society works, and its even worse how the world works, but meh, its their lives that matter to me, its mine. Selfish yes, but the select few lives other then mine that i care about, will be right there with me when i reach my top shelf, its just a matter of whether or not they want to be there.

Meaning of Life by Jon, never again will i dig that deep, life is too short, and i need a bigger shovel.

Shit, I can't keep a straight face, I can't speak the truth. I'm all twisted up in the game, and I don't have a knife to untie myself.

The differnce between people and the real world is, with the real world presistence is the way to bring the things you want, closer to you. With people, it's the best way to push them way. Take it from someone who know's presistence is not the key, its saying it once and making them remember it that is. First impressions arent just a must anymore, they are, everything.

Camera, Video, Stupid Face Talking, Haircut Needed, Brain Fumbling with Words, That sort of thing, is what makes my world go round. Stupid, yes, but, fun.

Random Thought of The Day:

If I can't reach the top shelf from here... I must be looking in the wrong aisle.


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