Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Skittles, Fondo, and Fingertips

The intoxicating feeling i get when life crawls up under my door.
Oh, what wonder's await me yonder yet my own door.
What happiness doth my day have in store, for the young adolescent whom is nieve?
What a tangled web we wieve me and my meandering friend.
Why tickle at my sense's and flurry the butterflies?
Why force a frown when I would rather smile?
Damn you and damn me for listening!

From now on, solo is the way for me,
Conscience flurries of chivilristic intention allowed,
But thoughts of another, denied.
Never again will I be taken alive and swalloed whole,
Never again will I pile my plate to the sky, only to realize I was already full.
I delegate now my time and efforts among those that matter most,
The essence of her smile,
The grin of an audience face,
The greif of a friend,
The suppression of the younger self I have known way too well.
Be Gone, Leave what you must, take what you will, I will be here ready for anything.

He who stand's in my way, shall be teach the way of steps,
He who builds a wall, will find a hole cut in it,
He who digs a river, will discover a raft on the other side,
He who decides to fight will be learned, with my pen and my ink at my side, a force to be reckoned with we make,
Those who face me, those who demand shall be taught ways of new thought,
Those who weep in front of me, will be given my sleeve to wipe away their tears and my hand to pick them up,
And with this, my tattered clothes and my empty pockets, I make my declaration,

Never again, pile the plate to the sky,
Choose only the most delecate of things,
A little thing here, a few things there, and sprinkle them with the topping so sweet it makes the entire thing float.
Never will the blue jays rain on my parade, let the sparrows saranade on my porch,
Let the owls sleep in my tree, for I am an owl, and I am a sparrow, and although my song,
Sweet, and Fluffy, is a song of truth, nothing will happen to you, I will protect,
The falling holes the sprinkled tops,

With Cherry Flavored lollipops,
Sugar Coated walls,
The world is sweet,
But we are not allowed to touch,
Unless we can untangle ourselves from the bindings we have been banished too.

Umm... yea.... The Fingers do the work, I never read it.

I never got to do what I said I was going to do today... There is always tomorrow... for now... I hope never to let another tomorrow pass, for life is too short, and there are some things we shouldn't let slip between our fingers like the sands of time, whether they be the dullest pebble, or the birghtest diamond.

Random Thought of The Day:

You never realize how much you are doing until you take a step back and just look... I need to make a list of the things that are most important to me. Starting with...


Blogger Paul Welp said...

O O O I Know this one....I Do...pick me, pick me, Pick me!
But yea, i hear ya brother. Just keep chugging along. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

February 3, 2005 at 3:27 PM  

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