Saturday, February 05, 2005

Worst Day of My Life...

Yesterday Sucked. It just goes to prove i suck at this whole life thing. My day started with me ruining my car, and then continued with me messing up our filming, and then doing horribly on a test. It then continued with Mrs. Naugher yelling at the class and making us write an essay as to why some of us can't keep our mouths shut. I hate my class in there... Some of them anyways. They can't keep their mouths shut. It's so annoying, but it just goes to prove, maturity doesn't come with age.

My day then moved from there and yea. I got a better paycheck then expected but I'm not giong to be able to use those for a few months now to fix my car... because im a dumb retard. GAWH I suck at life.

And I deleted a picture that i really wish i hadn't and i didnt even realize i had done it.... it sucked so much. Blah! Hopefully this weekend looks up... oh yea, and the work schedule sucks too.

Random Thought of The Day:
It's nice to know that when your day sucks so much that you don't feel like living anymore, because you feel like the worst person on earth, and then you see that smiling face... and you lose all of the thoughts of the days events, you lose all the thoughts of pain and sorrow, and all you can think about is that face, and how much joy it brings you.


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