Monday, February 07, 2005

Telescopic View of Microscopic Terms

My weekend was... well to say the least awsome. I hope the way I feel about it was shared, but yea, I really don't know if it is, but it's nice to think that it is. I don't know but lately I have been in a weird mood, not myself, I don't know why. Oh wait, wait I partly know why, maybe it's because I feel sort of out of place in that I am doing Ballet... yea... I am not a ballet partner. Honestly though, its really not that bad. Harder, much harder, then it looks, as well as a lot more fun then I thought it would be. I have a few things that I dislike, but for the most part it is really awsome. But that was over my week. My weekend though, thats a totally different thing. Kendra's sister is now 15, it was her birthday and so every 5 minutes i kept recieving calls to go over there and "celebrate" her birthday... I know as well as Chanea and Rachel they just wanted me to go over there to see Kendra, which I don't mind at all, I enjoy seeing her soo much, but, I just don't want her to get sick of me. Which I think this thought has popped into my head and made me crawl back into my shell, and put on this blank face, and stare into the mysterious beyond of what is the motions of life. No emotion existant on my face. Although the bottle inside is about to burst. Meh, as long as she doesn't get sick of me, its all cool. Anyways, umm.. yea, that was honestly most of my weekend, I didn't watch the super bowl, I went to starbucks and saw Kendra and helped her sister and her best friends sister with their homework. It was lots of fun, and I have no complaints minus the fact that they started to talk about dancing, and I was talking about sports... and Bless' (Kendra's Best Friend) litter sister, Hannah, decided to tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about hard work, or something like that, "You wouldn't know, you don't take ballet..." as this I smiled and made a weird noise like "ehhh." It made me feel really weird lying... and yet... not. So eventually I just let it come out, asking if they girls knew what a "fish" or however its spelled or yea, was, and they all said they did, and I proceeded to show them that I knew what it was and yea. So thats my story. Wow venting is really helping.

Oh also, they said I have a good singing voice... I still don't think so... But alrighty then.

You never close your eye's anymore when I kiss your lips...
There's no tenderness like before in your fingertips....

Great song.

Today. Well Lets Move onto today...

Today was a typical monday, nothing really cool happened minus the fact that I got to talk to Sofia, I haven't had a chance to talk to her in so long, I forgot how much fun she is to talk to. Very intelligent, she makes me feel so small, which is wierd for me, because I'm used to makeing small jokes around people and around her I feel like I can't make jokes because she is bigger then me. Anyways.

I got back a paper I totally Bsed in English on "The Scarlet Letter", this is funny because Mrs. Naugher grades on an AP Scale, which usually means you have to at least open your book to do good. I never opened the book except for maybe once to read a few clips people had pointed out to me, and I got an 8, or a 90, with nothing more then a pile of marshmellowy fluff.. I feel bad about it, but I couldn't get into the book. *Shrugs* I'm just glad that the spark notes were well worth the read.

Random Thought of the Day:

LO i'm VE (With You) ~ Chanea and also CRAZY
U ~ I will claim that one.


Blogger Paul Welp said...

dude...i got a 90 is the first essay that i have done well on all year...which is really weird, but go us, in a very non-homosexual kinda way. (w00t)

February 7, 2005 at 5:43 PM  
Blogger Paul Welp said...

hrmmm....eating cellphones....must be an acquired taste....but whatever floats your boat.

February 8, 2005 at 8:22 PM  
Blogger Paul Welp said...

I'm sorry....I am a failure

February 9, 2005 at 5:37 PM  
Blogger Paul Welp said...

thank you

February 10, 2005 at 2:24 PM  

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