Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ripping at the Seams of steel sewn thread

I tried the best I could... I wish I could have done better. *Shrugs* I guess I did ok... She deserved soo much more, but, with what I had, I gave... and I think I did alright, not to be conceited.

So this weekend i managed to get yelled at, at work, praised at work, yelled at at home, praised at home... and kicked down several times... It was all worth it though... just for that smile... yea.... definately worth it... every second of it.

Ummm yea... I can't think about anything right now im still stuck on yea... anyways...

Random Thought of The Day:

Why am I so lame?


Blogger Paul Welp said...

if by lame you mean hella cool...then it is cus you be a great person, otherwise, it is because you kind, sweet, i were a girl...i would want to hook up with you...but since i am not gay/a girl...i am afraid we will have to settle for friendship

February 14, 2005 at 8:07 PM  
Blogger Paul Welp said...

look at you with your fancy use of the english language.

February 16, 2005 at 3:03 PM  

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