Thursday, May 13, 2004

So whats up yall, i had a crappy day yet again, Freshman suck. They think they will get somewhere by doing the bare minimum... yea not so much in basketball, i work my Arse off everyday, and i get no credit for i, and they do crap and then work hard when we are on the court.... so much crap. But yea, I was stabbed with chopsticks today, during lunch, i was pissed, i honeslty had to constrain myself from decking the little tard who stabbed me... I got up to go to the bakery right, he took my chair, so i was like... excuse me man, and took the chair, and *BAM*... of he was gonna get it... but i just walked away... .Go me. Moving on, I need to finish a project that is late, the end of school and im slacking... whats wrong with me... oh yea.. IM a TEENAGER!, but yea, i need to get into shape for next year. Show is tomorrow yall, it is pretty funny i started laughing on stage, it was bad, but yea, i improv some because i get bored with the lines, so COME SEE IT. Tomorrow, at 7:00 or SAT at 7:00.

(Post Inspired by my Little Sister)

Random Thought of The Day:

If I had a Billion Dollars, I would buy Jamica. If I had 5 I would get ice cream.


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