Friday, July 30, 2004

It's fucking showing again. Totally Showing, I got it back again. Another 6 Months of working paid off again. This time I'm hoping not to lose it. Six pack. Hell yea. Now I just need to work on my pecks. I don't know why I'm working so hard on things I really don'i need. Yet I want them. Meh anyways, there is nothing here to do today. Chris leaves tomorrow and at the moment he is asleep.  Another long day of chatting for him again last night. I think he was up till around 9 in the morning again. Meh whatcha gon do. I am going to go running because I can, and although I am happy for my Six back, I am slow as hell from not running much anymore.

Random Thought of The Day:

If i only had seven days to live. If i only had seven days to care. I would spend them with those for which i care most. Life not caring where it may go, down or up. I dont quite know what i mean by this, but I am sitting here, thinking about the next week of my life, and in this thought I am realizing there is a chance I might not come back. It is somewhat frightening, and yet somewhat awakening. I hope i make it back, but I am not to judge for someone somewhere might have bigger and better things for me. Yet I know not yet of such things, but we will see. Anyways, I want to learn the Piano. Guitar is great, but you can't do that as you get older. Also, the piano is so soothing. There is nothing about it that would scare anyone away, besides the fact that it can calm all. I heard a song today that reminds me of things i never knew I would remember. It triggered things so deep down, that it made me urge for a piano to finger. Make noise with the keys even if it was wrong. For the only true way to learn is to experience. I know not why I am mindlessly babbling here. Well I know far well why, but I know not if the world should know. Seeing as the world doesn't read this it is is not for the world i gear this towards, but rather My world.  My aspect of life that i gear this for. Confusing, but gear for it. Volatility of young, aspire greatness, engineuity, respect.

Random Thought of The Day:

Piano... lol what am I thinking... I'm a DJ... not a Pianist. 

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Apparently I mean more...? I view myself as a friend, just that, nothing more nothing less.... but could more be something that is felt...? Moving on. Life is going alright, i have nothing to complain about besides that fact that Chirs doesn't seem to be having such a great time. I feel worse because of such, and yea. The band is doing badass, they are all very talented, and tehy ahve been told to come back by their last show holders. I'm proud of them. They are a great group of guys. Sitting here bored sucks. Moving on.

Random Thought of The Day:

How long would it take me to run to Maryland, for just a minute, and then come back?

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Well hey, life seems to be going back to normal for me. Last night I realized I shouldn't really be thinking about death, and today I started to break two habits. So if they both can be broken I will prove to myself that I can stop myself from thinking of it. Moving on. I hate certain things about my new self. I have become "new" after Nichole. Its amazing how much one person can make you change. And at the same time Scary. I realized that I dont have to be the sorry sap that I once was trying to be to get a girl to like me. Although it helps and is a good thing to have I have lost most touch with that part of me, to only be found when in need of such an aspect in a relationship. I hate  that too though. I always want to talk to people in such a way that they see me as a sweet caring young individual. And yet, without that aspect of myself I don't know what they will think. But in essence, that is great, because that gives me something to look forward too in life. A new aspect in my life, and a new path I will wind down, as I move forth in life. I have decided I am regretably, dropping basketball next year in my cericulum. My knees are worse then ever, I can't kneel for more then a few seconds without having unbearable pain, and I am unable to jump as such. It is making me very stressed though because I love the game, but I have a greater love for the screen, and this might help me pursue that. I'm not sure where my screen pursuit will take me, hopefully to some fame and fortune among the people, whos lives I touch, but whatever happens, all I know is, I want to be remembered by all, as the one who made me laugh just once.

Random Thought of The Day:

Why are reflections there? Why does all life revolve around energy...?

Monday, July 19, 2004

       Well now, its been a while since i have posted.... Shit, reading back..... what a Sappy, Stupid freak i was. Heh. Moving on with life though, new shit has happend believe it or not... yea...  I went to Chicago for 10 days, and saw my best friend, whom has just flown down to Dallas to visit me, and is with me as we speak. We had a blast in Chicago and plan on doing the same here. My life is in a weird spiral right now with Winter Rose, (who had a bad-ass perfomance on Saturday night winning them 4th Place in a battle of the bands, if you werent there, you missed out.) Girls, (Jenny ;)) and bunches of other little nit-bits that have found their way into my daily cycle. One of these has been my daily obsession i will say, with the thought of Death. I hate this thought so much, i hate it with more passion then anything i have ever done. The thought of ceasing to exist really bites the big ass in my book. I mean i know its inevitable, but i still cant stop thinking about it. When all ceases, is it like the TV when we turn it off, or the End of a videogame when you Get to start all over, or is it like the time when you Fall off your bike, get back up and keep going in anoter Direction? I cant answer this question, but it scares me. And i hate myeslf for not being to most religious now, but at the same time, i have a little bit of not caring in me. That might be because i have learned to become a little frustrated with a certain type of religion, as well as a certain few people, but i dont know. Anyways, Life goes on, ill live it to the Fullest, and even if I only get one thing out of it, all i want it to be, is a chance to see Sam again, that would make my life worth Living. Just to talk.
Random Thought of The Day:
What would happen if you Rigged a Huge as Battery up to a Hampster Wheel, and Put a Hampster that had just gotten a bath in it?