Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Well, today was Mentor training. Yay, fun for all. I decided it was my duty to waste 5 extra munites of everyones lives by asking stupid questions. Your welcome everyone, lol of course, the questions were so outrageous the teacher was annoyed, and yet, she still decided to answer them, but as such it was still annoying to all. Sorry again. Moving on, I have decided that if I wasn't myself, I would kick my own ass. I am such a fucktard it is annoying at times. I need to get my priorities, the ones I have set into order, because without that order, I won't amount to anything. Bawls.... It's a Beautiful Thing. I second Sam in his motion to ask the company BAWLS to make a 40 sized bottle. That would be the most badass thing in the world, and they could call it, "Fourty BAWLS". That would be badass.

Random Thought of The Day:

If I weren't myself, I would kick my own ass.


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