Sunday, October 24, 2004

Best Buy is Badass. Of Course it is angering to know that the Park Ln Store has a Shrink of .01 % Giving them an extra $500 in their paycheck, just for working there, on top of what they work... its insane... and they are all yelling about it going to .02%... lol were .47%, and we don't get any extra cash until we are under .45%.... But meh, i admire them all for getting it that low, congrats yall. BUT, i say the them, Store 256 is going to whoop them in this next District Contest, "District Banner: BEST BEST BUY", here we come.

As you can see I worked today, I felt really stupid because iwent to the wrong BEst Buy, there is one on Park LANE and Park... just park... ones in Plano ones in Mesquite.... well I went to the Plano one and was like... why am I learning about computers? I need to be learning about Cam Corders... so well I asked and they were like... oh shit I was wondering why 256 was here... lol meh, whoops I was there on time, thats all that matters... 6:52 is when I walked in. But so i changed stores and had a good day. It was so badass. Best Buy is the place to work if you can. Shop there too people, Service plans are well worth the cost, ESPECIALLY on camcorders.

Random Thought of The Day:

I can get 9 hours of sleep and not be rested and with 2 hours i can go all day.... humm....

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My first day at work was Sunday. It was pretty good. I had no Idea Best Buy was so competitive. It's insane. Word to the Wise, Never steal from Best Buy.... Why you ask... i will hunt you down and kick your ass.

Life begins with a Cry, and Ends with a Sigh, Make sure its a Short Cry, and an even shorter Sigh.

Veteran's... What does that word mean to me.

immortalized v. To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great or indefinite length of time.

Once you get to see them... and listen to them... you feel like shit... all you take for granted everyday... is compliments, of the United States Ass-Kicking Teams over Seas.

To any and all veteran's Alive and or Dead, Thanks.

Random Thought of The Day:

"A Child asked his Father, 'Daddy is Jesus White or Black?' 'Both,' The Father Replied. 'Is he Male of Female?' 'Both' Replied The Father Again. 'So then Daddy.... is Micheal Jackson Jesus?'"

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm Dying. It kills me to know, that some people, as great as they are, have regrets.

mellifluous adj. Sweetly or smoothly flowing.

If only life were a word...

Random Thought of The Day:

How does an armless man learn to juggle?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Anti-Drug Campaign's + Skaters = What the Fuck were the Drug People Smoking?

Conclusion: I don't know, but it must really Work!

Random Thought of The Day(2):

Never Play With Your Deeness Or Your BAWLS During The PSAT.
Apparently my blog doesnt like to tell me when it doesnt freaking post the posts that i type... I had a huge post from the other day and now i have to remember it all because it decided ot be lame.

Well it has been a while again since I hav posted. Today and yesterday I posted and I was feeling good about the fact that i have updated twice in a row.... Minus hte fact that the freaking thing didn't take my entry... POS.

Anyways. Homecoming was alright. Minus the fact that my date always wanted me to dance, and well hey I don't know about you but freak dancing in my opinion is sex wiht your clothes on. I have only done it 4 times in my life. Maybe I don't do it because I'm not really into the person im doing it with I don't know but don't get on my ass if I don't and don't say I don't dance... thats not dancing thats fucking on stage. JustFYI.

Moving on, The State FAir was badass.

The day started with an original plan to go to Fry's.

Paul and I discuss this plan and about Noon rolls around and still we haven't gone. Paul is called by Matt who says him, Geoff, and Sam are headed up the the State fair. Paul asks if i would like to go, I wanted too but it took my badass convincing of the folks to allow me to go. Anywho, so we all meet up at pauls and head up to the state fair. Now most poeple go to the fair to spend money we had no intention of such a hideous thing. We head up to Dallas and get off the highway. WE get lost and we are in a mood of utter Hysterical laughing with Matt's extreme driving and Geoffs lack of regard for road sign's and the way they clank when shot with an Airsoft gun... Lots of Airsoftedness, it was so great. So we start driving thru Dallas with myself and Paul yelling "FAIR, you know where ther Fair is?!" at random peds. We pull up to a stop light to have a homeless African Crack Junkie standing there having random spazm's and listeing to a CD player. It looked like a roosters bucking of the head back and forth I think he was dancing. Any how, paul yells like the smart white guy he is "HEY, You know there the Fair is.?" The guy Spaz's his way over to matt's car only to tell us what we already knew, and to ask us for "$3 to get on a bus to Fort Worth." Not wanting to get shot and getting a green light, Matt throws him Two and floors it. Paul... your Still owe Matt $2. We get to the fair and the only money we spent is for parking at this point $8, and then the little homeless incident. So as we walk into the fair Matt and Geoff are scared to see a woman checking people with a Metal detecting wand, and they both scramble to think of ways toget their knifes in. She scans us all, and we walk in. We then are confronted by two ladies whom are leaving and they give us Three food stamps. Score, three food Stamps which we later used to buy a bag of chips. At that moment on we decide that we weren't going to spend a Dime at the Fair. We meander aimlessly and answer some random phone calls and wind up at some "Free" booth. WE weren't going to spend anything so we were like "FREE" Alrighty lets go. It turns out to be this baptist church with this really weird Biker dude who tells us, we are all going to hell, and that we are all fucking lost without his word... but if we say a prayer that he gave us, we will be ok. *Shrugs* We all start to laugh and walk off and tehn paul and Geoff realize that we didnt get our free shit. So they go back to the booth and Goeff gets saved... *Rolls on Floor* Geoff/Jesus... Anyways, we make our way to the car show. Personally I was meandering around and getting the brochures and making myself a hefty stack if i do say so myself,(Which i left in MAtts Car), and i get lost. I call paul and ask where he is and he says "Winning a Million Dollars". WHA!?! I make my way to the Dodge side where i had just been and there are Geoff Sam, Matt, and Paul, scanning anything with magnetic strips on this computer that is feeding them cards. The cards you took to a Dodge dealership and they would mark a value on them that would be either 5.00 $500, $1000 $10000 $100000 or $1000000. No matter what we are going to get $5. Sweet! I start scanning everything else in my wallet and add my tickets to the groups. After we are done we have some 21 odd Cards. $155 at least... not bad for free. We then decide to leave and make out way to a Dodge dealer and or Wendy's. We get out of that park and are driving to wendy's with added Airsoftedness and the last light before Wendy's we see another homeless guy. Paul rolls up his window and apparently this guy is offended by that and Gets all mad, and starts to come towards MAtts car. Lucky for us the light turnsgreen just then and Matt takes off. After that some other stuff happened which was pretty funny but yea, the best part was we got to Dodge and hand the guy a ticket... he's like sure ill fill that out.... he comes back.... *Geoff hands him 20 more* "can you do those too... im sorry but yea... " the guys eyes light up. "Shit man that's a lot.." he fills them out, and they all happen to be worth $5. Hey no complaints here thats $20 I didn't have before, and I didnt spend a dime at the fair so i made $20 in this deal. But yea. My post today is lame but its funny to me, and if it would have taken yesterdays it would have been better, but... it didnt and im too burned out from PSAT to even continue typing so. Im out.

Random Thought of The Day:

Canadian French Chicks are Hott

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Been a While again. So i found out hte only reason we need Analytical Science is because "Mrs Naugher" said so. It's so much crap, who want's to know why the hell someone wrote something? There are exceptions but there are very few. I can see why graphic Analysis is neede... but Literary..... That so much Crap.

Catching up, the first Nine Weeks of School is over, went pretty well minus PRe cal, and my DJ's in History... Didnt do any of them... Whoops.. I dont care Mr. George is a badass. Any teacher that teaches a class like a college course and has a corvette is a fucking badass. Especially when we make fun of the French all day.

The Texas State Fair was badass. Most people leave the fair with a hole in their pocket... not my ass. Myself and 4 of my friends all left and we had all made $20. We are all badasses, not to mention we made it on top of getting threatened by a Crackhead, a homeless guy, getting food stamps from some old ladies who were walking out, and borrowing some things along the way. Oh yea, and Airsoftedness... soo much airsoftedness... What a day. Next year is going to be hard to live up to this year... we will have to make $50 each to beat this year and thats just for starters.

Homecoming was Ehh... I don't personally enjoy freak dancing, I can count the number of times i have done it in my life on one hand. Personally I'm more of an intimate slow dancer. *Shrugs* whatever. I guess I need to get up to the times and be a non-virgin by the end of highschool like almost everyone else... Heh that would be funish.

I got a Job. Best Buy. Start on Sunday but im going ot see if I can change it to the next sunday because i have Fall show that week... :-/ if not, im going to have a lot of shit to do that week, and its not going to be fun.

Random Thought of The Day:

Kerry = Candidate for All > Go Kerry Campaign < NOT