Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Been a While again. So i found out hte only reason we need Analytical Science is because "Mrs Naugher" said so. It's so much crap, who want's to know why the hell someone wrote something? There are exceptions but there are very few. I can see why graphic Analysis is neede... but Literary..... That so much Crap.

Catching up, the first Nine Weeks of School is over, went pretty well minus PRe cal, and my DJ's in History... Didnt do any of them... Whoops.. I dont care Mr. George is a badass. Any teacher that teaches a class like a college course and has a corvette is a fucking badass. Especially when we make fun of the French all day.

The Texas State Fair was badass. Most people leave the fair with a hole in their pocket... not my ass. Myself and 4 of my friends all left and we had all made $20. We are all badasses, not to mention we made it on top of getting threatened by a Crackhead, a homeless guy, getting food stamps from some old ladies who were walking out, and borrowing some things along the way. Oh yea, and Airsoftedness... soo much airsoftedness... What a day. Next year is going to be hard to live up to this year... we will have to make $50 each to beat this year and thats just for starters.

Homecoming was Ehh... I don't personally enjoy freak dancing, I can count the number of times i have done it in my life on one hand. Personally I'm more of an intimate slow dancer. *Shrugs* whatever. I guess I need to get up to the times and be a non-virgin by the end of highschool like almost everyone else... Heh that would be funish.

I got a Job. Best Buy. Start on Sunday but im going ot see if I can change it to the next sunday because i have Fall show that week... :-/ if not, im going to have a lot of shit to do that week, and its not going to be fun.

Random Thought of The Day:

Kerry = Candidate for All > Go Kerry Campaign < NOT


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