Tuesday, October 19, 2004

My first day at work was Sunday. It was pretty good. I had no Idea Best Buy was so competitive. It's insane. Word to the Wise, Never steal from Best Buy.... Why you ask... i will hunt you down and kick your ass.

Life begins with a Cry, and Ends with a Sigh, Make sure its a Short Cry, and an even shorter Sigh.

Veteran's... What does that word mean to me.

immortalized v. To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great or indefinite length of time.

Once you get to see them... and listen to them... you feel like shit... all you take for granted everyday... is compliments, of the United States Ass-Kicking Teams over Seas.

To any and all veteran's Alive and or Dead, Thanks.

Random Thought of The Day:

"A Child asked his Father, 'Daddy is Jesus White or Black?' 'Both,' The Father Replied. 'Is he Male of Female?' 'Both' Replied The Father Again. 'So then Daddy.... is Micheal Jackson Jesus?'"


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