Sunday, May 16, 2004

The play i was in was a success. Or i was told. I think i didnt do all that great, but maybe i did. I think the reason why is because the coaches believe it's a team effort in everything and since I am in something with a cast, and i don't feel like i put in my whole enchilada, it wasn't all that great for them. But, i never knew the feeling of having someone you don't even know come pu to you and say "YOu really fit the part, i felt like i was watching the show again from way back when." The best part though, was... the laughs, I felt so good out there every time the people laughed, i couldnt help but smile. I only wish i could have shared that night with someone special, she had a crummy week, and i had other things i had to do. It wasn't my fault i couldn't have been there, but i wish I could have been. Its alright though, or so i think. That girl is Nichole, but yea. I just hope she knows how beautiful she is, and also, that I would trade anything and everything I own to have spent Friday and Saturday with her and her family. Moving on though. A WEEK AND A HALF LEFT OF SCHOOL! *Dances* One week of reviews, then exams... then... NO MORE SPANISH EVER, NO MORE Chem EVER, and no MORE SCHOOL FOR 2 MONTHS!

Random Thought of The Day:

British People Talk Funny....


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