Monday, August 16, 2004

Mariner of the Seas.... Good times for all. Open mic, no fear, and nothing to regret except one thing. Opportunity knocks but once, if you miss the door, life will move on without you. Always remember to answer. Moving on, The cruise was pretty badass, no really big complaints for the most part, besides that fact that i had school today, the day after i got back. School was fun i guess, i didnt do anything but watch the Freshman all day... (is it me or are there a lot of fish... i didnt know we were by an ocean) heh. My class is kind of annoying, full of hot shit freshman, who think they are all bad because they break the rules, you know what, i agree rules were meant to be broken, but when someone is talking to you, someone smarter, and trying to help you, you should listen. I dont mind really though, i was give full teacher abilities by my teacher, so if they screw up, i can bad mouth them, and give them DMC :-D. OR at least thats what i understand. (By badmouth i mean, ask them to leave the room and "talk to them" basically talling them they have a penis in their minds eye and need to remove it." i almost just fell out of my chair, i felt like i was on a boat and it was rocking. In closing, life is too short to care.

Random Thought of The Day:

School Sucks, and Homework isnt much better.


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