Thursday, September 30, 2004

Damn.... its been a little while, well I will try and get on m own ass about my blog. Well nothing really has been happening lately, Lost of Theatre and such. Im a cripple, on crutches till the 13th of October, at which point im moving back into full swing of basketball. I have an interview at Best-Buy on Wednesday, and i hope i get the job because i need the money A and it would be nice to have a reason to waste money on useless computer crap cheap... SO i have come to the conclusion that Chicks dig guys with the following;

~ A Cape :Chicks will come up to you in a cape and say, "Wow I like your cape," or "Wow, thats badass.." Conclusion wanna skip the small talk? Get a Damn Cape!

Crutches : Some reason that i know not of chicks dig guys on crutches, especially when they run down the hall like a moron and exclaim "I am super Cripple". Note: While on Crutches a guy can also get girls to carry books for them and have lunch with them, easy way to score a date! heh.

If you dont have crutches or a cape, get them.

So yea, enough of my mindless rambling for one night, im going to sleep.

Random Thought of The Day:
"If the world didn't suck so much we would all float away."

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Theatre is not a game like Basketball. It is not just something you can get good at with lots of practice, its something you get good at... with passion. I used to think basketball was enough passion... I was wrong. The tourney was alright, but i Froze, and it was the worse feeling in the world. I welcomed it though, because I needed that little scare to make me realize, yo ucant get good at a piece in one night. No slacking off, never again will i slack before a match. I dont really like my Hi, and Greg found me something/ told me about something i might like. It soudned pretty interesting and i think i might be able to do it with a lot of practice. Im not sure yet though. I hear its somewhat over done, but i would still like to give it a shot, i just need too work on my pops. I met so many people at the Tourney. I am beginning to hate myself more and more now though, because i know in the end im going to have to do something i dont want too. I hate how i cant tear myself apart over one thing and then suddenly find something better and go for it. Although, i like this aspect because i never get bored. Anyways. School is school, its nothing special, Tech starts monday and i get my MRI monday... results that is. If you know a good prose tell me. I will explain the jumping around in this entry later if i find out what im going to do.

Random Thought of The Day:
I never knew you could get a brain freeze at a coffee place...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Welll nothing really happened today. I had a pertty good weekend, besides the fact that i missed tech monday. I didnt mean to sleep thru it, but after a LAN part, and going ot bed from 5 - 8 in the morning... i dont think i was up for it anyhow, i would rather not hurt someone in the process of building something. Meh, anyways, i hate school. It can go places with itself, and do things alone in the dark, i really dont care, as long as it doesn't bother me. I hate it with a passion, there is nothing more i loathe more then school. Although it is something to do, i would rather be doing other things... Like sleep for instance. Meh you only live once so sleep it up. I have to help out with the footbal game on Thurs, so i dont think i will be able to tailgate, but we will see. I'm not sure I will have money to tailgate anyhow, i spent it all on bubble tea today.. that place is so damn good, who ever thought of those things is like... a godishly person. Anwyays, i have to get back to my memorization for the Tourney this weekend Holloman is grading me on it tomorrow and i need to have it done. Later.

Random Thought of The Day:

Cookies in Cream, or Cookie Dough, Cookie's 'n Cream, or Cookie D'ugh.... Humm...... Decisions Decisions...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Well, it has been a while. I feel really lame for not keeping up with my blog. This is really lame of me but whatcha gon do. School started and ever since then I have had like Zero Time. Winter Rose, the band I work for, whom I am close personal friends with all of its members, is doing really badass. They are sweeping almost everywhere they go. The crowds love them, they sound great, and people honestly want to have them back as often as possible. I am sort of their unofficial photographer, and I feel like I'm just following in their footsteps, but honeslty I really dont care. I have created their logo, and their demo CD's Label, and I'm not realizing thats what I'm good at. I know how to do stuff like that, and I honestly have fun with it. I finished my cruise video the other day, its 15 Minutes long, and well thats just the brink of the iceberg. Now I need to burn it for everyone I'm going to mail it too, as well as I need to make sure they all have DVD players, and can watch NTSC versions of things. (Some of the people are from Europe.) Moving on. I am usually deeper in thought in my blogs, and I have realized something, there is no reason to dig any deeper into something that we can not explain nor avoid, so as such, I am really scared, and at the same time, not really caring about the deepness of well, anything anymore. Although I have proved that we do live forever in a sense, I am still unknowing of how this is valid in the field of religion, as well as I feel my thought train makes me feel like a sinner. Such is life I guess, because well I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't plan on living forever, but I would like too, but since I know I can't, I'm going to make this, the best fucking time anyone could have.

Random Thought of The Day:

Why is it, that whenever someone is trying to hint at it, I can never take that hint, and always end up missing out on something that could have been freaking great?