Thursday, September 30, 2004

Damn.... its been a little while, well I will try and get on m own ass about my blog. Well nothing really has been happening lately, Lost of Theatre and such. Im a cripple, on crutches till the 13th of October, at which point im moving back into full swing of basketball. I have an interview at Best-Buy on Wednesday, and i hope i get the job because i need the money A and it would be nice to have a reason to waste money on useless computer crap cheap... SO i have come to the conclusion that Chicks dig guys with the following;

~ A Cape :Chicks will come up to you in a cape and say, "Wow I like your cape," or "Wow, thats badass.." Conclusion wanna skip the small talk? Get a Damn Cape!

Crutches : Some reason that i know not of chicks dig guys on crutches, especially when they run down the hall like a moron and exclaim "I am super Cripple". Note: While on Crutches a guy can also get girls to carry books for them and have lunch with them, easy way to score a date! heh.

If you dont have crutches or a cape, get them.

So yea, enough of my mindless rambling for one night, im going to sleep.

Random Thought of The Day:
"If the world didn't suck so much we would all float away."


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