Sunday, September 12, 2004

Theatre is not a game like Basketball. It is not just something you can get good at with lots of practice, its something you get good at... with passion. I used to think basketball was enough passion... I was wrong. The tourney was alright, but i Froze, and it was the worse feeling in the world. I welcomed it though, because I needed that little scare to make me realize, yo ucant get good at a piece in one night. No slacking off, never again will i slack before a match. I dont really like my Hi, and Greg found me something/ told me about something i might like. It soudned pretty interesting and i think i might be able to do it with a lot of practice. Im not sure yet though. I hear its somewhat over done, but i would still like to give it a shot, i just need too work on my pops. I met so many people at the Tourney. I am beginning to hate myself more and more now though, because i know in the end im going to have to do something i dont want too. I hate how i cant tear myself apart over one thing and then suddenly find something better and go for it. Although, i like this aspect because i never get bored. Anyways. School is school, its nothing special, Tech starts monday and i get my MRI monday... results that is. If you know a good prose tell me. I will explain the jumping around in this entry later if i find out what im going to do.

Random Thought of The Day:
I never knew you could get a brain freeze at a coffee place...


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