Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Well, it has been a while. I feel really lame for not keeping up with my blog. This is really lame of me but whatcha gon do. School started and ever since then I have had like Zero Time. Winter Rose, the band I work for, whom I am close personal friends with all of its members, is doing really badass. They are sweeping almost everywhere they go. The crowds love them, they sound great, and people honestly want to have them back as often as possible. I am sort of their unofficial photographer, and I feel like I'm just following in their footsteps, but honeslty I really dont care. I have created their logo, and their demo CD's Label, and I'm not realizing thats what I'm good at. I know how to do stuff like that, and I honestly have fun with it. I finished my cruise video the other day, its 15 Minutes long, and well thats just the brink of the iceberg. Now I need to burn it for everyone I'm going to mail it too, as well as I need to make sure they all have DVD players, and can watch NTSC versions of things. (Some of the people are from Europe.) Moving on. I am usually deeper in thought in my blogs, and I have realized something, there is no reason to dig any deeper into something that we can not explain nor avoid, so as such, I am really scared, and at the same time, not really caring about the deepness of well, anything anymore. Although I have proved that we do live forever in a sense, I am still unknowing of how this is valid in the field of religion, as well as I feel my thought train makes me feel like a sinner. Such is life I guess, because well I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't plan on living forever, but I would like too, but since I know I can't, I'm going to make this, the best fucking time anyone could have.

Random Thought of The Day:

Why is it, that whenever someone is trying to hint at it, I can never take that hint, and always end up missing out on something that could have been freaking great?