Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Welll nothing really happened today. I had a pertty good weekend, besides the fact that i missed tech monday. I didnt mean to sleep thru it, but after a LAN part, and going ot bed from 5 - 8 in the morning... i dont think i was up for it anyhow, i would rather not hurt someone in the process of building something. Meh, anyways, i hate school. It can go places with itself, and do things alone in the dark, i really dont care, as long as it doesn't bother me. I hate it with a passion, there is nothing more i loathe more then school. Although it is something to do, i would rather be doing other things... Like sleep for instance. Meh you only live once so sleep it up. I have to help out with the footbal game on Thurs, so i dont think i will be able to tailgate, but we will see. I'm not sure I will have money to tailgate anyhow, i spent it all on bubble tea today.. that place is so damn good, who ever thought of those things is like... a godishly person. Anwyays, i have to get back to my memorization for the Tourney this weekend Holloman is grading me on it tomorrow and i need to have it done. Later.

Random Thought of The Day:

Cookies in Cream, or Cookie Dough, Cookie's 'n Cream, or Cookie D'ugh.... Humm...... Decisions Decisions...


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