Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Daily... did you really expect me to keep daily with this thing? Well I know I did, so I'm sorry there. Moving on.

What's been going on: Work is beginning to such, when your grades start to slip because you don't have sufficent time to finish all of your homework... there is a problem. So I am not planning on staying on past the Seasonal period. Rather I am planning on investing my last few paychecks in to stock market and seeing if I can make a little bit on the long term. School is school, nothing new, minus the fact that our Musical is going to be the most badass thing to hit the stage in CFBISD since... well in a really long time.

I'm not planning on going anywhere for Winter Break, so I am going to have the next few weeks open, as well as I have just recently found out that a few friends of mine from my cruise are coming into town over the break, and are planning on coming up to and or I'm planning on driving down and visit'n them for a bit.

Deep thoughts, well this part of the past few months is a little bit longer then the other part, but I'll keep it breif. Just recently I have had the past few days off work, and ironically enough your brain functions 100 times better when you have gotten a full nights sleep, and you weren't dead tired the night before from a person asking you about the Sony, and the Discount he can get because you don't have anymore in stock... Anyways. Since it's old news, I have a "crush". *Gasp* Whooopty-doo. Yea, I guess it's all cool though, even though nothing has come of it really yet... She's really cool. Pretty too, but really cool none the less. No clue how the two are related but moving on. English isn't as bad as it has been. It used to put me in a state of, I hate you I hate you I hate you, now it's a little bit better, and I'm able to find my little niche in that class, so I'm planning on aceing the Exam... Hopefully. My friends are the best. My birthday was a few weeks ago, and I was a little sad that no one besides my mother, and a few of my close friends remembered about it... Until Saturday. Last Saturday was one of the best days of my life, even though I sort of ruined it, my friends decided to throw a surprise party for me, Ashli heading the whole operation, and claiming to this date that, she "Hates [my] Guts," for, "Coming home from work early." Meh, it was awsome. I never knew so many people cared about me. That was a really big confidence boost in a time that I really needed one. The past few weeks had been really stressful from all the work, and things of the sort. I have most of this week off, and I already have most of my time filled for the week... which is weird that it's not filled with work... I don't mind though, I need to get more involved again in school, and worry about my future and not my fortune. (Hah, planning ahead ;) )

I plan on making a documentary about Violence. National History Fair 2005. Complete with Squibbs, Exploding Body Parts, Guns, and Panic and Mayhem... Did I mention exploding body parts? Basically I'm putting this in here, for anyone who wants to help. It's going to be a group so, expect to be working with a crew of people. For anyone who doesn't know, "squibbs'" are the things that are used to make "bullet holes" or "entry/exit" wounds in movies, where the blood shoots from the place where the person is hit with the bullets. (Prime example Saving Private Ryan, that movie had an extreme use of "squibbs" in the Normandy beach landing... Basically whenever you see blood shoot from someone, that is a squibb going off.) The basic format for the film is as follows; The theme of the year is Communication. My Spin: Communication : Violence. The communication industry of the world was developed from one prime piece of human existence, the part that says that if someone is being hurt or killed in a manner that is less than civil, it will be communicated by word of mouth, television, radio, paper, book, or any other form of communication to another human being. Thus, this basis of Violence is the basis of Communication for the Media, Hollywood, Entertainment System, and Music Lyrics. In short, Violence is what fuels the need for communication, not only because it (communication) is needed to warn others of the violence that is happening elsewhere, but also because as a good friend of mine once put, "Violence is Cool." ~ Geoff Allison

There is nothing more in this world that a man can do but try. For, if there is no effort to try, then there is nothing for a man to do. Whether it be change the channel on the Television, or Asking the girl he has liked for over a year out. With this comes the main reason we have things to do. Risk. Without anything to risk, there would be no reason to "do" anything. Think about it. If you could "do" whatever you wanted, without the risk of having something not go in your direction, you would do everything.... Anyways, Life by Jon.

You may think there's a good explaination for the big black stain on your reputation, but you'll never live it down, in one ear and straight out the other, but theres just no way that you can recover but you'll never live it down, and maybe its not hta bad, maybe the worlds too fast... haha yea I'm in my blog and wasting space, decided to type the song I'm listening too.

Wouldn't it be cool to see random people jump out of the rafters during an orchestra concert and start fighting on stage in the middle of the orchestra playing? No... ok...

Random Thought of The Day:
Short or Long Hair... ? So far long hair is the winner, but is mine too long... *weird look on face*


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