Tuesday, December 07, 2004


The following is a piece I have written... Read it, think about it, then post comments.
Expand your Boundaries...

She screamed. It was too large for her to hold in her mouth. Judging from her yelps one could understand that he didn't care. Forcing the huge shaft, smooth and hard even deeper into her already full mouth. A look of anguish rippled over her body as he did this. The pain was unbearable, she began to tear, at this he forced again. Holding onto her hair making sure that she could not remove her mouth, he gripped harder, causing the scalp on her head to sear with pain, like a bed of needles being placed haphazardly on her flesh. With one final breath she whimpered as she flailed against the wall, in the damp, corner of the cesspool he called water closet. At this, he pulled the trigger...

What were you thinking... Post in the comments... Kinda makes you feel different about lack of details... doesn't it... as well as how much someone can manipulate your mind...


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