Saturday, May 22, 2004

Everything is better :-D. Mocing on though, I now have a car. The Loser Cruiser is now mine! YES! Pat, my brother, got an SRT-4, the Second fastest car Dodge makes, only second to the Viper. ITs Bad Ass. HE is going to kill it though unless he learns how to drive a stick really fast. But yea, My Life is looking up now. I had a bad week letting people get to me. I think it was beacause of all of the exam reviews and the stress. Moving on though, there is nothing more i would rather be doing right now then sitting with her in my arms... Heh, im really bored right now so i think im going to pay some CS.

Random Thought of The Day:

How long will my car live.... Takings Guesses Now...

What if I were Amish...?

and, to finish making up for missed ones.

Check this.... Glowing Ice Cream.... That would be cool...


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