Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Forget Yesterdays post. I don't care what anyone else says anymore. It's my life, I like her and I could care less how she acts (For the most part). I never noticed it until you people pointed it out, and well I sorry now that I do notice it, because I just want things to go back the way they were a week ago or so... Nothing matters anymore, Not what my parents say not what my brother says, not what even my best friends would say, all I care about right now is if she's happy. Now if that equation due to previous evenst has had myself cancelled out... sucks for me, but if not, I would love to keep going there. Easier said then done I know. She has already been through stuff like this, and well... I guess I'm not helping... I'm sorry about that babe. I'm just not good at this stuff I guess. Can you forgive me? Even if you can't, I just want you to know, last night, when you were on stage, the only thing i could think about was you, the only one I saw was you. Sure I noticed everyone else, but, I just kept thinking to myself.... wow.... She's so beautiful. I realize now that I was stupid in letting someone else talk for me. I dont know why i allowed it again... All I know is, if there is anything I can do to make it up to you if it's not too late, I just want to go back and forget what happened, easier said then done agian, but, leave it at what people think as people, and what I think as we. Nothing else should matter, and I realize that now.


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