Sunday, June 06, 2004

Summer has started and caused me to forget to post... but yea. So, the beginning of my summer was Awsome, no complaints. Until now, i only have one, but it's not really a complaint, it's just a way i feel. I guess I'm not all that good at the holding on factor, because I tend to lose things I really don't want to. I guess the fact of the matter is when I start to lose things, I spaz, and try not to lose mose things. As well as when people start to tell me that the things I have aren't good for me, I start to cling to them more. I guess its just the way i deal with crap, but at that, its also a way I lose some stuff too. But yea, Life goes on, although I wish I wish I could go back, because, although it is suspected to be temperary... Nothing like that ever is, its usually permanent. "If i had the option, of a life without sorrow, a life without pain, a life without worry, i would give all that up, for a life you..." Meh, but yea, so anyways, Today I have done nothing but Church, help my cousin on his car, as well as sleep. That's a good day I guess, for what all I'm running with. I need to get out more often again, more basketball, more running, tomorrow summer workouts start, and I'm going to be there bright and early. I hope.

Summer List of Things To Do:

Try for a Second Chance


Random Thought of The Day:

Was there every a movie that was better then the book?


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