Monday, August 16, 2004

Mariner of the Seas.... Good times for all. Open mic, no fear, and nothing to regret except one thing. Opportunity knocks but once, if you miss the door, life will move on without you. Always remember to answer. Moving on, The cruise was pretty badass, no really big complaints for the most part, besides that fact that i had school today, the day after i got back. School was fun i guess, i didnt do anything but watch the Freshman all day... (is it me or are there a lot of fish... i didnt know we were by an ocean) heh. My class is kind of annoying, full of hot shit freshman, who think they are all bad because they break the rules, you know what, i agree rules were meant to be broken, but when someone is talking to you, someone smarter, and trying to help you, you should listen. I dont mind really though, i was give full teacher abilities by my teacher, so if they screw up, i can bad mouth them, and give them DMC :-D. OR at least thats what i understand. (By badmouth i mean, ask them to leave the room and "talk to them" basically talling them they have a penis in their minds eye and need to remove it." i almost just fell out of my chair, i felt like i was on a boat and it was rocking. In closing, life is too short to care.

Random Thought of The Day:

School Sucks, and Homework isnt much better.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Well, today was Mentor training. Yay, fun for all. I decided it was my duty to waste 5 extra munites of everyones lives by asking stupid questions. Your welcome everyone, lol of course, the questions were so outrageous the teacher was annoyed, and yet, she still decided to answer them, but as such it was still annoying to all. Sorry again. Moving on, I have decided that if I wasn't myself, I would kick my own ass. I am such a fucktard it is annoying at times. I need to get my priorities, the ones I have set into order, because without that order, I won't amount to anything. Bawls.... It's a Beautiful Thing. I second Sam in his motion to ask the company BAWLS to make a 40 sized bottle. That would be the most badass thing in the world, and they could call it, "Fourty BAWLS". That would be badass.

Random Thought of The Day:

If I weren't myself, I would kick my own ass.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Today was uneventful, minus the fact that I realized how much of a pack rat my dad is. It annoys me so much. Whatever, it makes me feel like a pig when I have people over because we have no garage, its all... stuff, sickening really. Whatever, I need a job, and then I need a place to go with the money I make, and then I need a new car. Three priorities. Plus acting, and school, and Winter Rose, in this order Acting, Winter Rose, School, Job. Now that I have my list, I need to stick with it. Moving on, I completed the second boredom reel for Winter Rose today, you should check it out, its pretty badass, course I feel like someone will sue me for use of their songs, but meh, if they do, I might be able to talk them into letting me do some shit to work it off or something... course I don't even know why I care, for I'm only one of what, 6 Billion people who use music in productions without permission. Meh.

Random Thought of The Day:

"What do I do, What do I do, What Do I Do, What Do I DO?" *Bobs Head* - School of Fish

Monday, August 02, 2004

I just cracked myself on the ceiling, jumping to a song... and realized i have a blog entry to do for today. That fucking hurt, but moving on. One thing i have realized that is out there is, everything will go on forever. Life may not, but parts of you will. Matter that is. It's hard to think about, being part of another being, and scary at the same time, but its true. Personally it is possible to have parts of dinosaur in you, you never know. (Don't ask long story) Moving on. The things in life that make one the most happy aren't the things that you find do out of the ordinary, but the things that happen often, or sometimes. Like, the compliments that they dont accept, or the phone call they get or, the time spent once in a blue moon with something. Funny how shit works.

I Cracked my freakin Ceiling... oww...

I'm a Pepper :-)

Dublin Dr. Pepper, is the bomb, Paul, Sam, and I went to Dublin for them... well worth the trip... ohhhh....... sooo good. I wasn't a Dr. Pepper fan until I had one of them, it's like... drinking.... good... stuff... ish. Yea, well thats all I have to say about that.

Random Thought of The Day:

If you get a free haircut, it's probably because the older lady cutting your hair was hitting on you because she thought you were older.... :-/

Sunday, August 01, 2004

The meaning of life is not what everyone thinks it to be. It is the same for everyone no matter what they think. All life is, is a struggle to grab whats on the top shelf, some get help to reach it, others grow tall enough on their own, while the rest just peer in awe as the select few with enough power to reach the top get there, and in this awe they themselves fall off their peers or their ladders trying to help them get whats on their top shelf. ITs sad how society works, and its even worse how the world works, but meh, its their lives that matter to me, its mine. Selfish yes, but the select few lives other then mine that i care about, will be right there with me when i reach my top shelf, its just a matter of whether or not they want to be there.

Meaning of Life by Jon, never again will i dig that deep, life is too short, and i need a bigger shovel.

Shit, I can't keep a straight face, I can't speak the truth. I'm all twisted up in the game, and I don't have a knife to untie myself.

The differnce between people and the real world is, with the real world presistence is the way to bring the things you want, closer to you. With people, it's the best way to push them way. Take it from someone who know's presistence is not the key, its saying it once and making them remember it that is. First impressions arent just a must anymore, they are, everything.

Camera, Video, Stupid Face Talking, Haircut Needed, Brain Fumbling with Words, That sort of thing, is what makes my world go round. Stupid, yes, but, fun.

Random Thought of The Day:

If I can't reach the top shelf from here... I must be looking in the wrong aisle.